Středa, 5. února 2025

Technologie pro dopravní systémy s nízkými emisemi

Technologie pro dopravní systémy s nízkými emisemi

PopisH2020-MG.5.5b: reducing traffic congestion and improve the mobility systems of people and freight. Experienced partners in sustainable systems sought.
A Spanish public administration is willing to submit a H2020-MG.5.5b-2015 (demonstrating and testing innovative solutions for cleaner and better urban transport and mobility) proposal project. The project aims to improve the air quality in the cities and their surroundings, through more efficient transport systems. Partners with expertise in eco-labelling vehicle, low emission transport technologies and green taxation are being sought.


The challenge of this proposal is to improve the air quality in the very next years of the main cities and their surroundings by reducing the traffic congestion and improving the mobility systems of both people and freight within these areas. Hence, the urban areas' vehicles should be low emissions, resource-efficient and climate-friendly.

In order to achieve this goal, the following steps should be taken into account. Firstly, an effective way to eco-label the vehicles is being planned, focusing mostly on their urban polluting emissions. And secondly, a tool methodology should be developed in order to benefit green vehicles and set green taxation for conventional ones.

In this project, transport systems such as cars, vans, trucks are likely to be improved. Moreover, the use of bikes, which are poorly used in some cities is also an objective already identified in order to promote it through several organisations that could offer this option.

MG-5.5b-2015: Demonstrating and testing innovative solutions for cleaner and better urban transport and mobility (CSA)
Call deadline: 15/10/2015
Deadline for EoI: 15/09/2015

Stage of Development Concept stage

Type and Role of Partner Sought

Experienced partners in the following areas are sought for a consortium within this topic:
o vehicle eco-labelling,
o applying measures to reduce traffic congestion
o technology for low emission transport systems
o green taxation.
The client wants to share information and investigate an effective plan to reduce the environmental impact of transport in urban areas.
POD Reference RDES20141113003

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