4. - 6. června, na VŠB TU Ostrava
Pozvánka na 19. mezinárodní konferenci Životní prostředí a úpravnictví
Invites you to the International Conference
19th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing
and Workshop "Critical Raw Materials for the EU
4 - 6 JUNE 2015
International Scientific Committee
Susana L. Arad - Technical University of Petrosani, Romania
Gordan Bedekovic - University of Zagreb, Croatia
Paolo Bevilacqua - University of Trieste, Italy
Wieslaw S. Blaschke - Institute of Mechanised Construction & Rock Mining, Branch in Katowice, Poland
Ana Maria Celeda - Intemin, San Martín, Argentina
Vladimír Čablík - VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Slavomír Hredzák - Slovak Academy of Sciences in Košice, Slovakia
Zhenqi Hu - China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), China
Andrzej Jarosiński - Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow
Viatcheslav V. Kafarov - Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia
Mohamed Kecir - University of Boumerdes, Algeria
Radmila Kučerová - VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Mária Kušnierová - Slovak Academy of Sciences in Košice, Slovakia
Aronel Matei - Technical University of Petrosani, Romania
Tamara Matveyeva - Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Gülhan Özbayo?lu - Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Mario Sanchez Medina - Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile
Rudolf Tomanec - University of Belgrade, Serbia
Barbara Tora - AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland
Edita Virčíková - Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
Dorota Wawrzak - Jan Długosz University of Częstochowa, Poland
Zbigniev Wzorek - Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, Poland
Organizing Committee
doc. Ing. Vladimír Čablík, Ph.D.
Eva Bogdanová - VŠB-TU Ostrava
Lucie Čablíková - VŠB-TU Ostrava
Jakub Halas - VŠB-TU Ostrava
Mariana Herková - VŠB-TU Ostrava
Miluše Hlavatá - VŠB-TU Ostrava
Anna Pavlisková - VŠB-TU Ostrava
Jaroslav Závada - VŠB-TU Ostrava
General information
Date and Location: The Conference will be held at VŠB-TU Ostrava, 4 - 6 June 2015.
Language: The official languages of the conference are English, Czech and Slovak. Simultaneous translation facilities will be provided.
Proceedings: All submitted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Selected papers of the 19th International Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing & Exhibition, having been reviewed and presented orally at the conference, will be published in Journal of the Polish Mineral Engineering Society (ISSN 1640 - 4902) which is indexed in .
Authors of selected papers will be informed timely.
8:30 - 9:30 Registration
9:30 - 11:30 Presenting of papers
COHEN H.: Eruption of Fires and Explosions in Bituminous Coals Storage in Open Air and in Confined Spaces (Underground Coal Mines and Ship Holds): The role of Molecular Hydrogen Emissions via Low Temperature. Ariel University. Israel
BULGAKOV J., MOROZ O., ALOKHIN V.: Ecological problems of the Donetsk region as a result of mining aktivity. Donetsk National Technical University. Ukraine
DVOŘÁK J., WITTLINGEROVÁ Z., STUDÍK P., BICANOVÁ K.: Energy efficiency of mining and processing of coal in the Czech Republic. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. Czech Republic
PASIOWIEC P., TORA B.: Optimisation of coal sieving process usig wibrating sieve Progresseco. Progress Eco, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
ŐZDENIZ A.H., KELEBEK S.: Effect of Ambient Conditions on Self-heating Characteristics of a Complex Sulphide Ore Stockpile. Queen's University. Canada
BULGAKOV J., MOROZ O., GOROBEY M.: Thedecision of a problem of hamful influence of mines rockforming for people an enviroment. Donetsk National Technical University. Ukraine
HYCNAR J.J., TORA B., BUDZYŃ S.: REE in coal and by-products of coal combustion. Ecocoalcenter, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
KALETKA T., GRADOŃ W., BUDZYŃ S., TORA B.: Analysis of coal sampling errors. KWK Jankowice, WIK sp z o.o., AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
THEODOSISOVÁ J.: The new reclamation project carried out within the company OKD, a.s. OKD, a.s. Czech Republic
ZNAMENÁČKOVÁ I., DOLINSKÁ S., LOVÁS M., ČABLÍK V., ČABLÍKOVÁ, L.: The utilization of microwaves at selected materials treatment. Slovak Academy of Sciences, Košice, Slovak Republic
KISHIBAYEV K.K., VOROPAEVA N.L., KABULOV A.T., TOKPAYEV R.R., YEFREMOV S.A., NAURYZBAYEV M.K.: Adsorption of metal ions by activated carbon obtained from the compressed plant materials (coconut shell) and copolymers of furfural. FSBSI ARRI of Rapeseed. Russian Federation
VOROPAEVA N.L., MUHIN V.M., KONOVALOVA A.I., CHARLAMOV S.A., KARPACHEV V.V.: The technology of helianthus tuberosus agricultural residues processing to obtain activated carbons. FSBSI ARRI of Rapeseed. Russian Federation
KECIR M.: Reagents choice for an optimal flotation of industrial minerals. Boumerdes University, Algeria
MATVEYEVA T., GROMOVA N., IVANOVA E.: Experimental studies of adsorption properties of herbal extracts as modifing flotation agents in processing of complex ores. Russian Academy of Sciences. Russia
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 15:00 Presenting of papers
SHIMADA H., SASAOKA T., FUJITA S., WAHYUDI S., YOSHIDA Y.: Construction of seabed structures by new development covering material using fly ash. Kyushu University. Japan
LIEBERMAN R.N., MASTAI Y., COHEN H.: Coal fly ash as a potential chemical reagent for scrubbing for chemical wastes. IDAEA, CSIC. Spain
ŠYC M., KAMENÍKOVÁ P., KRAUSOVÁ A., ZACH B., POHOŘELÝ M., SVOBODA K., PUNČOCHÁŘ M.: Characterization of MSWI bottom ash and assessment of resource recovery potential. Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS. Czech Republic
LIDMILA M., LOJDA V.: Insitu sampling of stabilized fly ash in railway track bed and laboratory tests of the samples. Czech Technical University in Prague. Czech Republic
HAMANAKA A., SHIMADA H., OGATA S., SASAOKA T., MIYAJIMA I.: Utilization of Coal Ash for Preparation of Seedbed in Disturbed Land in Indonesian Open Cut Coal Mine. Kyushu University. Japan
SOBKO W., BAIC I., BLASCHKE W., FRAŚ A.: Desulphurisation and ash removal in commercial product "JARET"using air concentration table. Institute of Mechanised Contruction and Rock Mining in Warsaw. Poland
MALÍKOVÁ P., THOMAS J., CHROMÍKOVÁ J., MATÚŠKOVÁ V.: Coagulation/flocculation processes in dewatering of the flotation tailing slurries. VŠB-TUO. Czech Republic
DWIKI S., SHIMADA H., GAUTAMA R.S., KUSUMA G.J., SASAOKA T., MATSUMOTO S., KOTEN F.: Evaluation of Acid Mine Drainage Characterization for Predicting Post Drainage Water Quality in Coal Mines, Indonesia. Kyushu University. Japan
MATSUMOTO S., SHIMADA H., SASAOKA T., MATSUI K., KUSUMA G.J.: The Use of Sulfur-Bearing Rocks for the Cover Layer to prevent Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) in the Cover System: characterization of rocks. Kyushu University. Japan
SÝKOROVÁ B., KUCBEL M., RACLAVSKÁ H., RACLAVSKÝ K.: Relationship between particle size in atmospheric aerosol and particle concentrations in moravian-silesian region, Czech Republic. VŠB-TUO. Czech Republic
MATÝSEK D., KUCBEL M., RACLAVSKÁ H., SÝKOROVÁ B., RACLAVSKÝ K.: Mineralogical composition of the total suspended particles in moravian-silesian region, Czech Republic. VŠB-TUO. Czech Republic
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 - 17:30 Presenting of papers
UMUCU Y., DENIZ V., KUZGUN A.E.: The investigation of the effect on the cement quality of separation particle size of the air classifier. Hitit University. Turkey
HRAZDIRA J., KUSÁ H.: Lime products for flue-gas treatment. Vápenka Čertovy schody a.s. Czech Republic
DOLINSKÁ S., SCHÜTZ T., ZNAMENÁČKOVÁ I., VACULÍKOVÁ L.: Study and characterization of natural bentonite modified by manganese oxides. Slovak Academy of Sciences, Košice, Slovak Republic. Institute of Geonics AS CR Ostrava, Czech Republic
UMUCU Y., HANER S., TUNAY T.: Mill Media Conditions For Ball Filling. Süleyman Demirel University. Turkey
LAPČÍK V.: Emissions from Pyrolysis of Tyres Wastes. VŠB-TUO. Czech Republic
HLAVENKA T., CVRČKOVÁ R.: Influence collecting system on the composition of municipal waste. STKO, spol. s r.o. Czech Republic
FONT O., CORDOBA P., RIVAS I., QUEROL X.: Origin of trace pollutants in playground sands of barcelona schools. IDAEA, CSIC. Spain
STRUHÁROVÁ A.: Using the Dynamic Method for Measuring the Thermo-technical Parameters of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. Slovak Republic
MAČINGOVÁ E., UBALDINI S., LUPTÁKOVÁ A.: Study of manganese removal in the process of mine water remediation. Slovak Academy of Sciences, Košice, Slovak Republic
LEDEREROVÁ M.: Nanotechnology and their potential uses in construction. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. Slovak Republic
MATIK M., ZUBRIK A., LOVÁS M., HREDZÁK S.: Pyrolysis of biomass and chemical activation of char. Slovak Academy of Sciences, Košice, Slovak Republic
MUKHIN V.M.: Anthracites as most valuable raw products for manufacture of materials providing environmental safety. JSC "ESPE "Neorganika". Russian Federation
VOROPAEVAN.L., MUHINV.M., TKACHEV A.G., VARLAMOV V.P.,YANINA M.M., GUSEVA.A., O.L.FIGOVSKY, KARPACHEVV.V.: Innovation for Less Polluting Emission Processes in Agriculture. (Nano) Chips. FSBSI ARRI of Rapeseed. Russian Federation
ŠVECOVÁ K., BANAŚOVÁ V., DAŇKOVÁ L., BENEDOVÁ Š.: "ShaKE" Carbon Capture and Storage - Sharing Knowledge and Experience. Masaryk University. Czech Republic
ŠUPOLÍKOVÁ G., ČERNÝ J., HLAVÁČOVÁ I.M., GEMBALOVÁ L.: Processing possibilities of waste material rising from abrasive water-jet technology. VŠB-TUO, Czech Republic
KUPKA J. ANDRÁŠ P., ANDRÁŠ P.JR., DADOVÁ J., DEMETER D.: Utilization of permeable Fe0-barrier for sanation of water percolating dump sediments. VŠB-TUO, Czech Republic
WAWRZAK D.: The influence of Desulfotomaculum ruminis on optimization of food waste purification in anaerobic conditions. Jan Dlugosz University of Częstochowa. Poland
19:00 Evening party
5.6. 2015
8:30 - 10:30 Presenting of papers
Workshop "Critical Raw Materials for the EU"
Presentation WP2: Potential resources in the Czech Republic
Presentation WP3: Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of prospective resources
Presentation WP4: Spatial modelling of mineral deposits
Presentation WP5: Legislative and environmental determination of mineral availability
Presentation WP6: Analysis of mining and technical conditions of availability of selected mineral deposits
Presentation WP7: Technologies for mineral and waste processing
Presentation WP8: Economics of mineral deposits
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 - 12:30 Presenting of papers
BLASCHKE W., WITKOWSKA-KITA B., BIEL K.: Sourcing study of critical raw materials in Poland. Institute of Mechanised Contruction and Rock Mining in Warsaw. Poland
JAROSIŃSKI A., ŻELAZNY S.: Possibility of obtainning some critical raw materials in Poland. IGSMiE Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, PK. Poland
JAROSIŃSKI A., TORA B.: Zinc waste recycling. IGSMiE Polish Academy of Sciences. AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
SVETLOV A.V., KRAVCHENKO E.A., SELIVANOVA E.A., SELEZNEV S.G., NESTEROV D.P., MAKAROV D.V., MASLOBOEV V.A.: Possibilities for heap leaching of non-ferrous metals from low-grade copper-nickel raw materials in Murmansk region, Russia. INEP KSC RAS. Russia
DVOŘÁK P., VU H.N.: Recovery of metals from spent NiMH batteries. University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague. Czech Republic
MRAŽÍKOVÁ A., SZÜCSOVÁ J., OROS L., MARCINČÁKOVÁ R., KADUKOVÁ J., VELGOSOVÁ O.: The effect of selected parameters on metal recovery from printed circuit boards. TU Košice. Slovak Republic
SVETLOV A., POTAPOV S., POTAPOV D., EROKHIN Y., POTOKIN A., SUVOROVA O., KUMAROVA V., MAKAROV D.: Comprehensive study of copper-nickel smelting slag with a view to develop new technologies for extraction of nonferrous metals and production of building materials. INEP KSC RAS. Russia
KAWALA J., MWEENE L., MWEENE B.: The Effect of Irrigation flow-rate and Irrigation system on recovery of Cu and Co from Low Grade Copper-Cobalt-Iron Ore. Copperbelt University. Zambia
MWEENE L., KAWALA J., MWEENE B.: Agglomeration of Low Grade Copper-Cobalt-Iron Ore. Luanshya Copper Mine. Zambia
KNÉSL I., RAMBOUSEK P., JANDOVÁ T., BREITER K.: Calibration of portable XRF spectrometer in Sn-W ore-bearing granites: application to Sn-W mineralization and secondary Li, Cs, Rb mineralization in the Cínovec deposit (Erzgebirge/Krušné Hory Mts., Czech Republic). Czech Geological Survey, Institute of Geology AS CR, Czech Republic
TOMANEC R., BLAGOJEV M.: Gold minerals concentration from the Grabova Reka deposit, ist Serbia. University of Belgrade, Serbia
TOMANEC R., BLAGOJEV M., GACINA R.: Selective concentration of lorandite from the allchar deposit. University of Belgrade, Serbia
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 14:15 Final discussion of workshop participants
14:15 - 16:00 Presenting of papers
JENČÁROVÁ J., LUPTÁKOVÁ A., PRAŠČÁKOVÁ M.: The structural characterization of biogenic iron minerals. Slovak Academy of Sciences, Košice, Slovak Republic
KAVULICOVA J., KADUKOVA J., IVANOVA D.: Phytoremediation of metal contaminated soil using linum ussitatissimum and calistephus chinensis. TU Košice. Slovak Republic
SUROVKA D., PERTILE E., SARČÁKOVÁ E., BOŽOŇ A.: Possibilities of using low-cost biomaterial for removal of sulphate from the aquatic environment. VŠB-TUO. Czech Republic
MARCINČÁKOVÁ R., KADUKOVÁ J., MRAŽÍKOVÁ A., VELGOSOVÁ O.: Bioleaching of lithium from lepidolite by mixture of autotrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms. TU Košice. Slovak Republic
SHAFIQ A., KHALED H., KATSUTOSHI I.: Sustainability in Mineral Processing: Recovery of gold using biomaterials prepared from biomass wastes. University of Saskatchewan. Canada
TYUSHKOVA N.: Results' interpretation of the developed technology's pilot testing of gold bearing quartzite treatment. National Research Technological University "MISiS". Russian Federation
MICHALÍKOVÁ F., SISOL M., STEHLÍKOVÁ B., BREZÁNI I., FRÖHLICHOVÁ M.: Separation of Fe component from black coal bottom ash combusted in fluid boilers. TU Košice. Slovak Republic
BLÁHOVÁ L., MUCHA M., GOROŠOVÁ S.: Slag as a cheap material for wastewater purifying. University of Ostrava. Czech Republic
WZOREK Z., GORAZDA K., TARKO B., NOWAK A.K., KRUPA-ŻUCZEK K., KULCZYCKA J., HENCLIK A.: Sewage sludge incinerated in a rotary kiln - the raw material for recovery of phosphorus. Tadeusz Kościuszko Cracow University of Technology, Poland
BOUCHERIT A., KHALAF H., PAREDES E., TODOLÍ J.L.: Determination of trace molybdenum in sea water samples throughout inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. University Saad Dahlab of Blida. Algeria
RADOMSKI P., WZOREK Z., NOWAK A.K., GORAZDA K. Preparation of composites based on the fluoride waste for construction industry. Tadeusz Kościuszko Cracow University of Technology, Poland
CIDLINOVÁ A., WITTLINGEROVÁ Z., CHROBÁKOVÁ T.: Contamination of the environment and the working environment by platinum cytostatics. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. Czech Republic
HANČUĽÁK J., KURBEL T., FEDOROVÁ O., ŠESTINOVÁ O., FINDORÁKOVÁ L., ŠPALDON T.: Development of atmospheric deposition of selected elements in the area of Košice. Slovak Academy of Sciences, Košice, Slovak Republic
MOHAMMADREZA A., MOHAMMADREZA A.: Mining Dump Truck Noise Sources and Mitigation Approaches. Rah Arvin Machine Company, Iran
16:00 - 16:30 Poster section
ŠPALDON T., HANČUĽÁK J., ŠESTINOVÁ O., FINDORÁKOVÁ L., FEDOROVÁ E.: Effective ways of desulphurization of acid mine drainage. Slovak Academy of Sciences, Košice, Slovak Republic
ŻELAZNY S., JAROSIŃSKI A., ČABLÍK V.: Fly ashes from biomass based of ash from Power Plant "Połaniec". Tadeusz Kościuszko Cracow University of Technology, Poland. VŠB-TUO, Czech Republic
ŠUPOLÍKOVÁ G., LYČKOVÁ B., ČERNÝ J., BARABÁŠOVÁ T.: The verification of waste paper fiber biological treatment. VŠB-TUO. Czech Republic
19:00 Evening party with music group ,,EvyBand" in VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava
9:30 Whole day trip (Astronomical observatory and planetarium, Small world of technology U6 - Dolní Vítkovice area; State Chateau Raduň; Evening party - Trout farm ,,Pstruží farma" Bělá
Technical University areas (building's location)
Take this trams (direction ,,Vřesinská")
? From Ostrava-main railway station - tram 8 - cca 40-45 min.
? From Ostrava-Svinov railway station - trams 7, 8, 17 - cca 12 min.
? From ,,ÚAN" main bus station - tram 8 - cca 25 minutes
You will get out from tram on the stop called ,,Hlavní třída"