Pátek, 3. ledna 2025

Electrolux Group launches new, more sustainable packaging

Electrolux Group launches new, more sustainable packaging

To reduce environmental impact, Electrolux Group launches recycled and paper-based packaging with 70% less ink. From this month (March), the new packaging is being used for Electrolux and AEG small appliances.

The Expanded PolyStyrene (EPS)-free packaging is made from paper-based material certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, with a four-color print that uses 70% less ink. The number of packaging variations has also been halved by using stickers to differentiate between various products in the same range. This helps to avoid waste packaging as the same box can be used for multiple products.

Electrolux Group has 60 million products in homes worldwide and this is a significant move toward reducing environmental impact, as well as promoting circularity and decreasing carbon emissions.

"We know that consumers want sustainable packaging that can be recycled. As a sustainability leader in the appliance industry, shifting to more sustainable packaging is a must for us. This is just the first step," says Ella Rudebeck, Global Packaging Manager at Electrolux Group.

The packaging went through rigorous testing and refining of material formulations to fulfil its primary function - to contain and protect products.

Reimagining sustainable packaging for large appliances

In tests, replacing EPS with paper-based materials actually increased environmental impact in some cases - such as for heavy and fragile products. "Packaging large appliances with only paper-based materials requires a lot of cardboard and we found that the carbon footprint and the quantity of waste generated can actually be higher than with EPS," explains Maria Chiara Frijia, Electrolux Group Sustainable Materials Innovation Expert. "Our demanding packaging simulations also concluded that paper-based materials alone did not sufficiently protect large appliances, especially in certain environmental conditions such as high humidity," adds Frijia.

The Electrolux Group Global Packaging team is instead now working to integrate more recycled content into packaging materials without compromising the protection of appliances. This includes cardboard, EPS and polyethylene film with recycled content.

To learn more about how Electrolux Group is reducing the environmental impact of packaging while ensuring that appliances are fully protected throughout their journey to the consumer, read here.

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