3700 Euro vybralo za týden Město Brusel na pokutách od nelegálních skládkářů. Intenzívní každodenní akce za pomoci policie v problematických místech přinesly svoje ovoce.
V Bruselu pravidelně "loví" černé skládkaře
The City of Brussels caught 37 people for illegal dumping in the week of 1 March 2010. The action took place in the neighborhood of the Boulevard d'Ypres and the Boulevard de Dixmude.
Actions against illegal dumping take place for more than one year now. Since January, the city focuses on some 'black spots', including the neighborhood 'Ypres-Dixmude'.
The cleanliness service and the police held 5 actions against illegal dumping in the quarter. Every morning there was a check between 7:30 am and 9:30 am to catch people for illegal dumping. People who were caught, were given a tax as fine. The action of the past week (Monday to Friday) was good for a total of 3.700 euro of municipal taxes. The illegal dumping came mostly from traders, who nevertheless have a contract for the collection of their garbage with the regional agency Bruxelles-Propreté.
ZDROJ: Město Brusel
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