Agreement on loss and damage deal expected on first day of Cop28 talks

30. listopadu 2023 13:30


Fund to help world's poorest and most vulnerable countries hit by climate disaster likely to be first decision agreed on at conferenceCop28 live - latest updatesWhy loss and damage funds are key to climate justiceThe Cop28 climate summit has officially opened, with the first decision likely to be on relief for the world's poorest and most vulnerable countries, which are being hit increasingly by climate disaster.A blueprint for a new fund for loss and damage, focused on the rescue and relief of poor countries stricken by extreme weather, is expected to be officially agreed on and adopted on Thursday. This will involving setting up a fund under the auspices of the World Bank at first, able to disburse money to developing countries and funded by rich industrialised nations and emerging economies and fossil fuel producing countries, such as China, Gulf states and the Cop28 host country, the United Arab Emirates.Cop28: Can fossil fuel companies transition to clean energy?On Tuesday 5 December, 8pm-9.15pm GMT, join Damian Carrington, Christiana Figueres, Tessa Khan and Mike Coffin for a livestreamed discussion on whether fossil fuel companies can transition to clean energy. Book tickets here or at Continue reading...


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