The Observer view on climate change: Hurricane Milton is a portent - but it's not too late | Observer editorial

13. října 2024 7:16


We are losing in the fight against global warming, it is time to put effort into controlling what we pump into the atmosphereThe havoc unleashed by Hurricane Milton provided unambiguous evidence that we are entering a critical and alarming new phase in the planet's climate crisis. Rising fossil fuel emissions have triggered increases in ocean temperatures and sea levels to such an extent they are generating some of the most destructive storms ever experienced in Florida. Together with Hurricane Helene earlier, the lives of about 250 people have been claimed and thousands of homes destroyed. Florida has been left reeling and forecasters have warned there is more to come - a lot more.It is a grim prognosis that should be galvanising Florida's political leaders into taking urgent action to protect the state. Extraordinarily, this has not been the case. Despite the intensification of hurricanes and worsening flooding over the past decade, governor Ron DeSantis has consistently rejected the idea that global warming poses a threat to Florida or that the phenomenon exists at all. A few weeks ago, he signed a law erasing the words "climate change" from state statutes and effectively pledged the state's future to burning fossil fuels. Such behaviour is disturbing. Continue reading...


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