Why did so many die in Spain? Because Europe still hasn't accepted the realities of extreme weather | Friederike Otto

4. listopadu 2024 13:16


Severe flooding is, unfortunately, inevitable. What isn't inevitable is how ready we are, from early warning systems to emergency servicesFriederike Otto is a climatologist and co-founder of World Weather AttributionAt the time of writing, the death toll has risen to 214. Battered cars and other debris are piled up in the streets, large swaths of Valencia remain underwater, and Spain is in mourning. On Sunday, anger erupted as the king and queen of Spain were pelted with mud and other objects by protesters. Why were so many lives lost in a flood that was well forecasted in a wealthy country?From the global north's vantage point, the climate crisis, caused by the burning of coal, oil and gas, has long been seen as a distant threat, affecting poor people in the global south. This misconception has perpetuated a false sense of security. Continue reading...


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