Weatherwatch: Diatoms, the masters of capturing carbon

28. listopadu 2024 7:16


Miniscule algae are one of the world's most powerful resources for removing CO2, according to research paperDiatoms are tiny one-celled algae, too small to see with the naked eye. These minuscule organisms are masters of capturing carbon dioxide from the environment, and so productive and prolific that they fix up to 20% of the Earth's CO2. According to a recent research paper, they are one of the world's most powerful resources for removing CO2 from the atmosphere, absorbing an estimated 10-20bn tonnes every year, equal to the amount of carbon captured annually by all of the world's rainforests. And as an added bonus, they also give off oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis.Diatoms float in surface waters of oceans where they use sunlight to turn carbon dioxide into compounds used for their growth and development. They are particularly efficient at concentrating the CO2 captured inside their cell, which helps to explain how they fix so much carbon. Continue reading...


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