From field to farm: the US pro athletes trying their hand at agriculture

6. prosince 2024 18:16


Former NFL, WBNA and NBA stars are ushering in a wave of athlete-farmers who see farming as a greater missionWhen Jason Brown speaks to schoolchildren, they clamor to hear about his seven-year NFL career. A mountain of a man who stood six-three and weighed 330lbs in his prime, he excelled at center - gridiron speak for the innermost lineman who initiates offensive plays by "snapping" the ball between his legs to the quarterback.Brown entered the draft in 2005 after standout years at the University of North Carolina. He quickly gained a reputation for being a human plow who relentlessly cleared pathways for some of the game's best. He got paid well for it, signing a $20m free-agent contract with the St Louis Rams in 2009. At 26, he was the position's highest paid player in the league, and he bought the toys to show it: the MTV Cribs-style house, the flashy cars to match. Continue reading...


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