'The forest will survive': the volunteers saving Kharkiv's war-charred woodland

31. prosince 2024 17:31


Despite fighting going on just miles away, some Ukrainians are looking to the future - by planting sturdy English oaksYuriy Bengus, a biologist, surveyed a scene of destruction. The Zhuravli forest, on the northern edge of Ukraine's second city, Kharkiv, was a blackened mess. Rooks cawed from burned pine trees and hopped between stumps. A dead bird lay in an abandoned military dugout. War was down the road. From somewhere to the north of Kharkiv came a muffled boom.Bengus plunged his spade into the sandy earth. "From an ecological point of view, oaks are most suitable," he said. His assistant, Yulia Kucherevska, a 16-year-old volunteer, reached into a plastic bag, pulling out three acorns that she tossed into a shallow hole. The pair moved on to the next spot and threw in three more. Behind them a No 16 tram rattled past. Continue reading...


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