Is pistachio the new pumpkin spice? Why production of the nut is booming in California

3. ledna 2025 14:16


The trendy green nut is drought-resistant and sustainable - making it appealing to farmers and consumers alikePistachios have long polarized the world's taste buds - the flavor is bold, nothing like the subtlety of an almond or a walnut. You either love them or hate them.But one side of the pistachio debate appears to be reigning supreme. Pistachios were named nut of the year in 2023, unsurprising to anyone who had an eye on pop culture. Pistachio is now a popular flavor of latte. Pistachio butter and cream became food trends on social media. Vibrant pistachio green even made several appearances on the runway, with fashion designers being inspired by the unique, earthy hue. Continue reading...


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