Lab-grown meat is the future for pet food - and that's a huge opportunity for Britain | Lucy McCormick

4. ledna 2025 11:16


While the EU and US hesitate, the UK can become world leader in this burgeoning - and cruelty-free - innovationIf the pet food industry were a country, it would rank as the world's 60th biggest emitter of carbon dioxide. In countries such as the US, researchers estimate that pet food accounts for about a quarter of total meat consumption. And as the number of pets grows, the environmental impact looks set to increase. But the British government may have unlocked a solution. This year, the UK became the only country in Europe to approve the use of lab-grown meat in pet food.Lab-grown meat may sound futuristic, but the process is actually straightforward. It starts with the harvesting of a small number of animal cells, then the cells are fed essential nutrients to help them replicate and grow, similar to a yeast culture on a petri dish. But unlike a whole living animal, there are fewer limitations on size, there are no welfare concerns, and the setup does not require such vast land, water and energy resources.Lucy McCormick is an analytics manager at the Guardian and a writer on economics, politics and current affairs Continue reading...


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