Shrinking trees and tuskless elephants: the strange ways species are adapting to humans

6. ledna 2025 7:16


As people have shaped the natural world, so wildlife - from mahoganies to magpies - has had to evolve to surviveFrom the highest mountains to the depths of the ocean, humanity's influence has touched every part of planet Earth. Many plants and animals are evolving in response, adapting to a human-dominated world. One notable example came during the Industrial Revolution, when the peppered moth turned from black and white to entirely black after soot darkened its habitat. The black moths were camouflaged against the soot-covered trees, surviving to pass on their genes to the next generation.As human influence has expanded, so too have the strange adaptations forced on the natural world. We asked researchers around the world for similar changes they have noticed in the 21st century. Continue reading...


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