The Guardian view on chemical pollution: the UK can't ignore the risks from PFAS | Editorial

14. ledna 2025 20:01


Efforts by the plastics industry to thwart regulation come from a familiar playbookAs the public wake up to the risk of "forever chemicals", or PFAS, the industry is fighting back with a campaign researchers have compared with big tobacco's battle against restrictions on smoking. New findings about its intense lobbying efforts are highly concerning and require a response from the environment secretary, Steve Reed. A recent consultation by the European Chemicals Agency, regarding proposals for comprehensive regulation of the substances, which take an enormous length of time to degrade, was inundated with responses from business.Varieties of these chemicals have been used in manufacturing and consumer goods since the 1950s. They protect equipment, remove grease and smooth skin - hence their appearance in kitchenware and cosmetics. But they can also leak into soil and water, and accumulate inside human tissues. Some have been linked to health problems including cancer and high cholesterol. Continue reading...


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