What do the Los Angeles fires tell us about the coming water wars? | Judith Levine

15. ledna 2025 19:46


Will water soon be a marketable commodity or a priceless public good?There's a scene in the film Mad Max: Fury Road where the evil ruler Immortan Joe, gazing down from a cliff upon his parched, emaciated subjects, turns two turbines, and water gushes from three gigantic sluices. The wretched masses surge forward to catch the deluge in their pots and bowls. And as imperiously as he opened the gates, Joe shuts them. "Do not become addicted to water," he roars. "It will take hold of you." But, of course, he already has taken hold of them by withholding, essentially, life.We don't have to await the dystopian future for the water wars to begin. The struggle over water, between private interests and the public good, the powerful and the weak, is raging now. From Love Canal to Flint, Michigan; Bolivia to Ukraine to Tunisia; budget-cutting, privatization, corporate malfeasance and climate crises are conspiring to create political violence, mass migration, property damage and death. Continue reading...


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