How can a new runway at Heathrow be good for the planet? | Observer letters

2. února 2025 7:16


A West End play reveals the way in which powerful vested interests brought about the demise of the climate protocolIn his review of the play Kyoto ("The Kyoto climate treaty is hailed on stage, but reality tells a different story", Focus), Robin McKie rightly points out that the world is failing dismally to effectively get a grip on the climate crisis.Richer countries that were part of the Kyoto bloc - mostly European nations - put in place extensive policies to implement the treaty's legally binding targets: the UK's 2008 Climate Change Act, widely emulated across the world, is one example. Climate laws multiplied after 1997. All countries with targets met them, renewables spread much more quickly than expected, and emissions in the Kyoto bloc fell by over 20%, at least partly because of these policies. Continue reading...


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