What's behind the deadly, record-breaking floods in north Queensland? | Steve Turton for the Conversation

3. února 2025 2:46


Some tropical lows are stalling, dumping huge volumes of rain - and climate change is playing a roleFollow our Australia news live blog for latest updatesGet our breaking news email, free app or daily news podcastRecord-breaking floods across north Queensland have turned deadly, with one woman drowning while being rescued on Sunday. And the flood waters were still rising, with rain set to continue.With reports of up to one metre of rainfall in parts of north-east Queensland, the heaviest rain has fallen between Lucinda to Townsville in northern Queensland as the Bureau of Meteorology warns the big wet will continue for days.Sign up for Guardian Australia's breaking news emailThis article originally appeared in the Conversation. Steve Turton is an adjunct professor of environmental geography at CQUniversity Australia Continue reading...


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