Country diary: A bird that had existed only in my imagination becomes vividly real | Nic Wilson

3. února 2025 9:31


Bramfield, Hertfordshire: My long-unanswered prayers to see the elusive hawfinch are finally rewarded in a churchyardWe've come to church this morning in search of a fictional bird. On the south side of the graveyard, sunlight paves the lime walk, but offers little warmth for those who choose to linger. It's not the first time I've haunted this churchyard in winter, praying for hawfinches in the yew trees, but so far my only sighting of the UK's largest finch has been in my Collins Guide to British Birds.The parish church of St Andrew is blessed with grounds full of mature trees and the old spreading yew by the gate has attracted a small flock of birders. We join them, stamping numb feet, hoping for a miracle in its evergreen interior. Unlike us, the icy chill doesn't bother a grey wagtail bobbing for grubs in the flooded grass along the path. Greenfinches sweeee and blue tits bounce around the limes above our heads, while the yew holds its secrets close. Continue reading...


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