'We're being treated as grifters or terrorists': US federal workers on the fear and chaos of their firings

25. února 2025 16:16


An educator, archaeologist and scientist were among the thousands of government workers culled by Musk's agencyThe Trump administration has fired at least 20,000 government employees in its first month, as Elon Musk's so-called "department of government efficiency" (Doge) dramatically overhauls work at federal agencies. Some economists have speculated that these terminations, which could affect nearly 300,000 workers, will be the biggest job cuts in US history.Most of the workers cut were in probationary periods and lacked job protections that come with longer terms of employment. In social media spaces, especially the r/fednews subreddit, these workers described scenes of confusion and feelings of anger directed at Musk, an unelected billionaire dubbed a "special government employee" by the White House. Last week, unions for federal workers sued the Trump administration for unlawfully using probationary periods to cut staff. Continue reading...


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