The battle for Glasgow's Wyndford estate - photo essay

24. března 2025 14:01


A carbon crime or bright new future? For nearly four years, a fierce debate raged over the future of the site's high-rise flatsFor nearly four years, a fierce debate raged over the future of the Wyndford estate in Glasgow, dividing residents and sparking wider national controversy. Was the demolition of its high-rises an environmental travesty or the first step toward much-needed regeneration?The dispute began in November 2021, days after the city hosted Cop26, where politicians and businesses promised to curb wasteful building destruction. Yet, residents of Wyndford soon found leaflets on their doorsteps heralding a "bright new future" - one that involved the demolition of all four high-rise blocks on the estate. The decision set off years of protests, legal challenges and community divisions.The four high-rise blocks of the Wyndford estate one week before demolition. Three blocks were demolished by controlled explosion on 23 March - - the block on the left will be brought down floor by floor owing to its proximity to other homes on the estate. Continue reading...


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