Středa, 5. února 2025

Tendr na modernizaci a rekonstrukci vodního kanálu Itiadoh

Tendr na modernizaci a rekonstrukci vodního kanálu Itiadoh
 Referenční číslo CzechTrade: 
* Stav tendru: 
vypsaný tendr  
* Financování: 
Světová banka  
* Země: 
* Datum uzávěrky:  
* Zdroj informace:  
* Obor dle celního sazebníku:
S009993 Stavební činnost - činnost ve stavebnictví

Anotace tendru:

Vláda indického státu Maharasthra obdržela od Mezinárodní banky pro rekonstrukci a rozvoj (IBRD) půjčku v různých měnách na financování projektu Zlepšení podmínek ve vodohospodářství. Část prostředků hodlá použít na pokrytí nákladů rekonstrukce a modernizace hlavního vodovodního kanálu Itiadoh (1. – 72. km) spolu s vybudováním přípojek. Vhodní zájemci o účast ve výběrovém řízení mohou zakoupit kompletní tendrovou dokumentaci v angličtině po zaplacení nevratného poplatku ve výši 10.000,- Rs nebo ekvivalentu ve volně směnitelné měně na první z níže uvedených adres, kde je též možno získat více informací o projektu a nahlédnout do tendrové dokumentace. Dokumentace bude zaslána kurýrní službou po zaplacení extra poplatku ve výši 2.000,- Rs. Nabídky musí být doručeny na druhou z níže uvedených adres nejpozději do 29. ledna 2008 do 15:00 spolu s příslušnými zárukami za nabídku ve výši uvedené níže. Dne 4. ledna 2008 v 16:00 se bude konat „Pre-Bid Meeting“, na který jsou zváni všichni zájemci o podání nabídky.

Popis tendru (Angličtina):

Financing:World Bank
Sector:Water Supply/Sanitation
Loan/Credit Number:Loan No. 4796-IN; Project ID No. P084790
Contract/Bid Number:Contract No. 01 / ICB1 – ITI / 07-08; Request For Proposals
Deadline:29 January 2008

This notice appears in UN Development Business online only and not in the printed version. Although this notice is assigned to a specific print issue, the official publication date of this notice is considered the date that it is posted online (see below).

The Government of Maharashtra has received a loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) in various currencies toward the cost of Maharashtra Water Sector Improvement Project. It is intended that part of the loan proceeds will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for rehabilitation and modernization of Itiadoh main canal km 1 to 72 with Branch Canal and Distributories.

The Government of Maharashtra through Superintending Engineer and Administrator, Command Area Development Authority, Nagpur now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the construction and completion of Rehabilitation and modernization of Itiadoh Project Canal System as described above (“the works”).

Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the bidding documents at the office of Executive Engineer, Bagh Itiadoh Irrigation Division at the first address below.

A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the first address below and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Rs 10,000 only or equivalent amount.

Bidding documents (and additional copies) may be purchased from the office of Executive Engineer, Bagh Itiadoh Irrigation Division, Gondiya from 10 December 2007 to 28 January 2008 for a non-refundable fee (three sets) as indicated above. Bidding documents requested by mail will be dispatched by registered / speed post on payment of an extra amount of Rs 2,000 or equivalent amount. The Executive Engineer, Bagh Itiadoh Irrigation Division, Gondiya will not be held responsible for the postal delay if any, in the delivery of the documents or non-receipt of the same.

The provisions in the Instructions to Bidders and in the General Conditions of Contract are the provisions of the World Bank’s Standard Bidding Documents: Procurement of Works.

Bids must be delivered to the office of the Superintending Engineer and Administrator at the second address below on or before 29 January 2008 at 1500 hours and must be accompanied by a security as detailed below:
• Sr. No. 1: Rehabilitation and modernization of main canal 1 to 40 Km with branch canal and distributaries of Itiadoh Project. Contract-1 (ITI 2A)
--Bid Security: in Indian Rupees 2 million (or equivalent)
--Bid Period: 39 months for a contract or lot of contracts or whole work
• Sr. No. 2: Rehabilitation and modernization of main canal 41 to 72 Km with branch canal and distributaries of Itiadoh Project. Contract-2 (ITI 2B)
--Bid Security: Indian Rupees 2 million (or equivalent)
• Sr. No. 3: Rehabilitation and modernization of Wainganga branch canal with distributaries of Itiadoh project. Contract-3 (ITI-3A)
--Bid Security: Indian Rupees 2 million (or equivalent)

Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 1530 hours on 29 January 2008 at the same offices of delivery.

Qualified domestic bidders will be eligible to receive a margin of preference of 7.5 per cent in bid evaluation.

The bidders may submit bids for one or more contract. Bidders bidding for any contract together with other contracts stated in the SPN to form a package will so indicate in the bid together with any discount offered for the award of more than one contract. The lowest evaluated bid price will be determined when evaluating the subject contract in conjunction with other contract to be awarded concurrently, taking in to account any discounts offered by the bidders for the award of more than one contract.

A pre-bid meeting will be held on 4 January 2008 at 1600 hours at the office of Chief Engineer, Water Resources Department, Sinchan Bhavan, Civil lines, Nagpur to clarify the issues and to answer questions on any matter that may be raised at that stage.

Contact:(1) Executive Engineer.
Bagh Itiadoh Irrigation Division.
Gondiya, State Maharashtra, India.
Tel/Fax: (91-7182) 222-714.

(2) Superintending Engineer and Administrator.
Command Area Development Authority.
Wainganganagar, Ajni.
Nagpur, State Maharashtra 440 015 India


Kontaktní informace:
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