Pátek, 14. března 2025

Začíná veletrh ECOFAIR 2102 v Beogradu

Začíná veletrh ECOFAIR 2102 v Beogradu

Od středy do pátku probíhá v tomoto týdnu v Beogradu významný ekologický veletrh pro oblast bývalé Jugoslávie a dalších blízkých států ECOFAIR 2012. Veletrhu se účastní i poměrně silná skupina českých firem pod organizačním vedením pražské společnosti Integra spol. s r.o. Každodenní zprávy z veletrhu, přednášky apod. lze sledovat na web stránkách:


Bělehradské veletrhy - Belgrade Fair - Economic Event Initiator

The tradition longer than seven decades, the modern time spirit, as well as the orientation to be always in the focus of corporate events, made Belgrade Fair the largest and most successful trade fair institution in Serbia and the Southeast Europe. Through its events, Belgrade Fair `brought´ to Belgrade and Serbia countless worldwide manufacturers in various fields and economic branches, `featured´ many latest top quality technologies and products and the world premieres are not rare, either.

The highest level method of event organizing and the level of the services provided by it enabled numerous events to be received into various renowned worldwide organizations and associations. The sign of the International Fair Union - UFI is carried by three large events - the Building, Technical and Furniture Fairs. The Motor Show is a member of the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers - OICA, whereas the Tourism Fair is organized by the ITTFA - International Tourism Trade Fairs Association standards.

In addition to belonging to the Exhibition Association of the Southeast Europe (EASE), Belgrade Fair is also a member of the Central European Fair Alliance (CEFA).

In 1991, Belgrade Fair founded the World Trade Center Belgrade, which became a member of the World Trade Centers Association (WTCA). It has got an irreplaceable role in connecting the most important international trade points into the most contemporary communication system and also enables contacts to businessmen and companies in more than 330 cities, the Association members.

Let´s not forget either that in the last few years, Belgrade Fair modernized most of its halls and the entire outdoor space was completely rearranged and turned into a contemporary and pleasant `Meeting Point´, which is the motto of this company, as well.
A very important Belgrade Fair´s `investment´ is creation and fostering of partnership relations to the exhibitors and visitors. This is a permanent orientation, since the attitude of all employees is that a successful business is the person creating it, which means that cooperation and trust are the basis of any good business.


Enviweb nabízí pro účastníky veletrhu možnost překladů textů do řečtiny stejně jako využití rodilého mluvčího pro tlumočení obchodního jednání na místě.

Více informací: Mgr. Aristid Franc, tel. 00420 606 355 895, mail:

Sdílet článek na sociálních sítích


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EKO-KOM - systém sběru a recyklace obalových odpadů
INISOFT - software pro odpady a životní prostředí
NEVAJGLUJ a.s. - kolektivní systém pro plnění povinností pro tabákové výrobky s filtry a filtry uváděné na trh pro použití v kombinaci s tabákovými výrobky
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Ukliďme Česko - dobrovolnické úklidy
Kam s ním? - snadné a rychlé vyhledání míst ve vašem okolí, kde se můžete legálně zbavit nechtěných věcí a odpadů