Conference of European Biogas Association (EBA)



The European Biogas Association will held its first Biogas Conference in cooperation with the Slovak 
Chamber of Commerce and Industry and with the Czech Biogas Association in Bratislava on 06 - 07 
June, 2012.
Why to attend?
- Key speakers from the European Commission 
and the German Parliament
- Financing specialists
- Leading product providers
- Case studies in Central and Eastern Europe
- Dinner & Networking
- Study tour (optional)
English as a leading language, Translation into Slovakian
For registration please visit
Preliminary Programme
First day 
I. Political framework 13:00-15:00
1. Opening by the Representative of the Government of Slovakia, Juraj Novák (Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic)
2. A European biogas strategy as decisive contribution to the security of gas supplies and climate protection,Hans-Josef Fell (Member of German Parliament)
3. The role of biogas as a renewable energy source in the European perspective, Bernd Küpker (European Commission DG for Energy)
4. Incentives for the promotion of biogas in Slovakia NREAP, FiT and subsidies, Kvetoslava Soltesova (Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency)
II. Technology review 15:30-17:30
1. Best practice of biogas plants with different substrates 
Case studies presented by companies - members of European Biogas Association
- Biogas plant presented by  Agraferm AG
- Biogas plant located in  Trencianska Tepla (Slovakia) Alena Hanusova (Biogest GmbH)
- Biogas plant located in St. Martin/Innkreis (Upper Austria) Dr. Roland Kirchmayr (Enbasys GmbH)
2. Best use of biogas: electricity generation (CHP, microturbines, ORC), heating and cooling applications, Michael Kalb (Aprovis)  
3. Why biogas plants need a continuous process control?  - Requirements for a stable and efficient biogas production, Dr. Harald Lindorfer (Schaumann Bioenergy GmbH)
Dinner & Networking
Second day
III. Business environment  09:00 - 11:00
1. Opening remarks: Biogas industry in Europe  - achievements, challenges, perspectives, Dr. Arthur Wellinger (European Biogas Association)
2. Evolution of  renewable energy support mechanisms in Europe - lessons learned, current tendencies, Dr. Jan Stambasky, (European Biogas Association)
3. Sustainable biogas market development in Central and East Europe Enrico Rose (BiogasIn)
4. The evolution of the European biomethane market Dr. Attila Kovacs (European Biogas Association)
5. European Energy Certificate System - how can it contribute to the expansion of biogas trade, Phil Moody (Association of Issuing Bodies)
IV. Financing of biogas projects 11:30 - 13:00
1. Cooperation models applied by agri-capital Group for expansion of biogas/biomethane production, Dr. Anton Daubner (agri-capital Group)
2. Biogas financing standards applied by UniCredit Leasing , Martin Mayr (Competence Center Renewable Energies, UniCredit Leasing S.p.A)
3. Lessons learned from biogas investments throughout Europe Paul Bosch (Rabobank)
4. Best practice examples for financing of biogas investments - what is needed for sustainable success? (Fachverband Biogas - German Biogas Association)
V. Biogas: An important pillar of the European energy future 14:30 - 17:00
1. Review of biogas upgrading technologies - efficiency, biomethane quality, investment and operating costs
Michael Beil  (IWES Fraunhofer)
2. The potential role of biogas/biomethane among the future transport fuels 
Manuel Lage (Natural Gas Vehicle Association Europe)
3. Latest developments in biogas CHP technology
a) Spark ignited engines  - Thomas Elsenbruch (GM Jenbacher AG)
b) Dual fuel engines - Wolfgang Jörger (Schnell Motoren GmbH)
4. The utilisation of fermentation residue -opportunities and challenges Franz Kirchmeyr (European Biogas Association)
Closing remarks 
Third day (optional)
Biogas study tour
Místo konání akce:
Bratislava, Crowne Plaza Hotel
Adresa konání akce:
Crowne Plaza Bratislava, Hodžovo nám. 2, 816 25 Bratislava, Slovakia
Jan Štambaský


Asekol - zpětný odběr vysloužilého elektrozařízení
ELEKTROWIN - kolektivní systém svetelné zdroje, elektronická zařízení
EKO-KOM - systém sběru a recyklace obalových odpadů
INISOFT - software pro odpady a životní prostředí
NEVAJGLUJ a.s. - kolektivní systém pro plnění povinností pro tabákové výrobky s filtry a filtry uváděné na trh pro použití v kombinaci s tabákovými výrobky
E.ON Energy Globe oceňuje projekty a nápady, které pomáhají šetřit přírodu a energii
Ukliďme Česko - dobrovolnické úklidy
Kam s ním? - snadné a rychlé vyhledání míst ve vašem okolí, kde se můžete legálně zbavit nechtěných věcí a odpadů