Australia news live update: international border reopens as those stranded set to return home; Morrison doubles down on Aukus deal

30. října 2021 23:45


International border bans are set to end on Monday with Australians able to leave the country and return home; Scott Morrison defends the Aukus deal at G20 in Rome. Follow all the day's news liveVictorian Covid restrictions: what rules and regulations have changed?Vaccine rollout tracker; cases and data trackerGet our free news app; get our morning email briefingGood morning, it's Justine Landis-Hanley here to bring you the news today, Sunday 31 October 2021.Let's dive straight in:From tomorrow, vaccinated citizens will be allowed to travel overseas and return without quarantining as New South Wales and Victoria open their international borders for the first time since the pandemic began. Prime Minister Scott Morrison has headed to Glasgow for the UN's climate change conference, COP26. There, Morrison has already come face-to-face with French President Emmanuel Macron for the first time since the AUKUS pact was announced, terminating Australia's submarine deal with France.Australians are remembering the life of Australian entertainer Bert Newton, who passed away yesterday, aged 83. Continue reading...


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