EU reversal of stance on loss and damage turns the tables on China at Cop27

18. listopadu 2022 15:00


China is responsible for more cumulative emissions than any country other than the USLate on Thursday night in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, the Cop27 UN climate talks seemed stuck in an irretrievable logjam. Rich and poor countries had reached deadlock, a "breakdown between north and south", according to the UN secretary general, António Guterres.By Friday morning, the talks had been upended and the battleground dramatically redrawn, in a way it has not been in 30 years of these annual talks. At stake is the question of whether some of the world's leading economies - countries such as China, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf petrostates, Russia and countries with high per capita income such as South Korea and Singapore - should start contributing for the first time to help the poorest and most vulnerable with the impacts of climate disaster. Continue reading...


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