Video series launched in which comics translate climate science into down-to-earth languageScientists can struggle to get their message across about the climate crisis to the wider public, so now comedians have been brought in to help cut through the science jargon and get widespread attention. In a series of videos, titled Climate Science Translated, scientists are paired up with various comedians who express climate science in down-to-earth language that pulls no punches.In one of the videos, Prof Mark Maslin, of University College London, explains: "The climate crisis is progressing faster much faster than anticipated." This is translated by the comedian Jo Brand as: "We're still going to hell, but we're getting there faster." Continue reading...
Weatherwatch comedy climate change 260424
26. dubna 2024 7:18
Zdroj: The Guardian
Nový dokumentární seriál Krajina Dana Bárty začíná zítra, diváci uvidí i zubry z milovické rezervace
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