After asking 'What about the climate?' for 14 years, I'm standing down as an MP. But I have hope | Caroline Lucas

3. červenece 2024 14:18


Voters and politicians now know slow, incremental change just won't cut it. The next government must be bold and braveCaroline Lucas is a former Green MPWhen I entered parliament back in 2010 as the first Green MP, I used every possible trick in the book to push the environment up the UK's political agenda. In the early days, progress was agonisingly slow. Simply making the case that Britain should be powered by renewables, not fossil fuels, was a daily battle. Every single budget, I would stand up and ask the same question: what about the climate? And then, quite quickly, things finally began to change.I'll never forget the moment I realised the environment movement had finally entered the political mainstream. The shift dawned on me during the school strikes five years ago, which brought over a million people worldwide out on to the streets in protest. I stood on top of a makeshift platform on a fire engine outside parliament and saw a vast crowd of young people, stretching as far as the eye could see, demanding climate justice and action.Caroline Lucas is an environmental activist and former Green MP Continue reading...


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