He was keen to impress in his new job just as a heatwave was gripping the country. What can David Azevedo's story tell us about the threat increasingly extreme weather poses to human health?For Anne-Marie Azevedo, 13 July 2022 started off like a normal day. Her brother David was staying with her while he got his life back on track after a period of unemployment. He was on the third day of a new job in construction and had been asked to work extra hours. Eager to make a good impression, David was up and out of the door first thing.As she got ready for work later in the morning, Anne?Marie thought David had mistakenly picked up her house keys, so she called him. She was reassured to hear that he sounded fine, despite the fact that the previous evening he had been exhausted and visibly unwell from the heat. France was in the grip of an intense heatwave, and he was working outside all day. David hadn't taken the keys, so after a quick chat Anne-Marie got on with her day. Continue reading...
The story of a heat death: David went to work in his new job on a French building site. By the end of the day he was dead
13. červenece 2024 8:48
Zdroj: The Guardian