A butterfly: 'elbowing each other with the joints on their legs, pushing and shoving to get at the liquid'

30. září 2024 17:33


We learn about butterflies when we are small because it is foreshadowing: you too will change. But they are an imperfect metaphor for what it feels like to liveThe very funny naturalist and writer Redmond O'Hanlon was on a sandbank on the edge of a river in Borneo when hundreds of butterflies started to fly towards him and his travel companion and landed on their boots, trousers, and shirts, and "sucked the sweat from our arms."He watched them for a while - "there were Whites, Yellows and Blues, Swallow-tails, black, banded, or spotted with blue-greens" - and then stood up and brushed them off gently. Continue reading...


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