'We look after our neighbors': how mutual-aid groups are filling the gaps after Hurricane Helene

6. října 2024 14:48


The federal government, state governments and larger non-profits have had a slower - and, say some residents, insufficient - responseThe first thing members of the Pansy Collective, based in Asheville, North Carolina, did following the start of Hurricane Helene was reach out to each other, ensuring that everyone was OK, and helping people who needed to evacuate. As soon as they were able to get down from the Blue Ridge Mountains, where Asheville is nestled, they drove more than 200 miles to Durham to gather supplies and bring them back to Asheville.The Pansy Collective is just one of several mutual-aid disaster-relief organizations that have mobilized across Florida and the Carolinas since Hurricane Helene made landfall on 26 September. Continue reading...


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