Enough with unicorns and dinosaurs - show children the magic of real, living animals instead | Isabel Losada

13. března 2025 11:17


Put up pictures of lemurs, penguins and wolves, and introduce tomorrow's environmentalists to the amazing nature in our worldHas it ever struck you as interesting the amount of dinosaur products that are marketed to boys and unicorn products to girls?I recently visited the wonderful Horniman Museum in south London, only to discover that it had been taken over by something called Dinosaur rEvolution. Hertfordshire zoo offers a World of Dinosaurs, there is the "roarsome" theatre show Dinosaur World: Live, a dinosaur-themed park in Norfolk called ROARR!, Dinosaur World in Torquay, Dinosaur Park near Swansea, Dino Park in Dumfries - the list is as long as the neck of a brontosaurus. Continue reading...


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