'I feel dizzy but I can't stop': global heating is already making kiln workers' lives unbearable. And it will only get worse

9. prosince 2024 11:16


Researchers mapped brick kilns across India and used climate models to forecast the levels of heat stress workers face between now and 2050Photographs by Ishan Tankhar"I work with fire. But this has been the hottest ever, even for me," says Harilal Rajput, squinting in the blazing midday sun. Rajput, 41, is a chief fire worker at a brick kiln near the town of Danapur on the outskirts of Patna, capital of the eastern state of Bihar. He is a migrant worker; his wife, a farmer, lives in neighbouring Uttar Pradesh with their three children.It is almost 1pm on a June afternoon and neither Rajput nor the nine fire workers he supervises have had any food since the previous night. They will eat only when their eight-hour shift ends at about 4pm. His team, he says, is "running on water". Continue reading...


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Ukliďme Česko - dobrovolnické úklidy
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