Early phase-out of full hybrid vehicles may be a political risk too far for UK ministers | Nils Pratley

2. ledna 2025 18:16


Pragmatism will win over purism, unless the government favours early closure for car manufacturersThe main timetable is set: no new petrol and diesel cars will be allowed to be sold in the UK after 2030, and sales of all new hybrids will be forbidden from 2035. But that phasing still leaves open the critical matter - for the automotive industry, and for a couple of manufacturers in particular - of which new hybrids will be allowed to be sold until the last day of 2034.Just the variety that comes with a socket - plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs)? Or should old-style hybrids, such as the Toyota Prius, which have smaller batteries charged by a main internal combustion engine, also be permitted? Continue reading...


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