Want to sponsor a piece of ocean paradise? How one Pacific island's novel response to rising seas is paying off

8. ledna 2025 11:16


The tiny nation of Niue has raised ?3m selling sponsorship of its marine protected area at just over ?100 for a square kilometreNiue, also known as the Rock of Polynesia, is one of the tiniest island states in the world. It takes a mere two hours to drive around it, giving views of its rugged limestone cliffs and occasional sandy coves. These coves give way to caves and chasms, once used for storage, burial sites and even as living spaces. But perhaps what visitors seek most are its crystal clear waters, home to spinner dolphins, eels, grey reef sharks, sea snakes and humpback whales.Now the island is engaged in an innovative plan to try to conserve these vast and pristine territorial waters. The scheme, which has been running for a year, involves selling off sponsorship of the ocean surrounding the island to individuals or companies for NZ$250 (?116) a square kilometre. So far, it has raised NZ$7m, nearly halfway to its target. Continue reading...


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