Grey seals, minke whales and bluefin tuna: is the North Sea bouncing back to its glory days?

9. ledna 2025 9:16


Hollywood stars once came for the big-game fishing, but the return of a host of species to the depleted waters around Britain's coast is a cause for quiet optimismFrom the outside, the Tunny Club looks like any other seaside fish and chip shop. A short walk from Scarborough harbour, only the photos of John Wayne and Errol Flynn on the wall betray the shop's fleeting history as a global centre for big-game fishing.In the 1930s, film stars and the ultra-wealthy flocked to the Yorkshire seaside resort for their chance to catch the enormous bluefin tuna - known as "tunny" - lurking off the North Sea coast. In 1933, aristocrat Lorenzo Mitchell-Henry reeled in what remains the largest fish ever caught in British waters: a 386kg bluefin tuna. Continue reading...


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