Dream come true for Australian funnel-web spider enthusiast after he discovers a new species

14. ledna 2025 9:31


Newcastle funnel-web spider's last shared common ancestor with the Sydney funnel-web was 17 million years ago, experts sayGet our breaking news email, free app or daily news podcastKane Christensen's passion is an arachnophobe's nightmare. For two decades, he worked with deadly spiders at the Australian Reptile Park, a zoo located 80km north of Sydney - paying such close attention to the eight-legged predators that he helped scientists discover two new species.He began there as a volunteer in 2003, milking venom from the fangs of Sydney funnel-web spiders. The park takes donations of captured male spiders from the public, using their venom to create life-saving antivenom. "Funnel-webs for me are just the pinnacle," Christensen says.Sign up for Guardian Australia's breaking news email Continue reading...


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