Five years, multiple deaths: what is happening at the home of the last captive whales in Canada?

14. ledna 2025 13:16


Ontario's Marineland lost five belugas last year, which the park's management puts down to the 'circle of life'. But activists claim animal welfare is at stakeOn the southern shores of the Niagara River, a few hundred feet from the thundering falls, sits Marineland of Canada - an amusement park, zoo, aquarium and forest occupying nearly 1,000 acres of land (400 hectares). Over the years, millions of people have clamoured to view the park's 4,000 animals, including its prized walruses, orcas, dolphins and belugas.But over the past few years, the park has taken a decidedly dark turn as there has been a string of deaths among the world's largest captive beluga population. Last year, five belugas died at the facility bringing the total number of whales and dolphins to die there since 2019 to more than 20. Continue reading...


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