UK farmland being contaminated by 'forever chemicals' linked to cancers, report finds

16. ledna 2025 12:46


Levels of PFAS chemicals found in sludge destined for British land would not be considered safe for allotmentsWhere are the UK's 'forever chemical' hotspots?Industry using 'tobacco playbook' to fend off 'forever chemicals' regulationThe Guardian view: the UK can't ignore the risks from PFASSewage sludge spread on farmland is contaminating soils, water and potentially the food chain with "forever chemicals", and whistleblowers from the Environment Agency say the systems in place to prevent such pollution are "not fit for purpose".Watershed Investigations and the Guardian obtained samples of treated sewage sludge destined to be spread on land from five different catchments, and found levels of PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) forever chemicals that would not be considered safe on allotments, as well as levels of flame-retardant chemicals described by experts as "exceptionally high". Continue reading...


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