Can't wait for spring to get growing in the garden? Then make sure you know your onions

17. ledna 2025 12:16


Planting seeds, rather than bulbs, is cheaper, and there are more varieties to choose fromThere are several reasons I shy away from growing onions: how much space they take up and how small my plot is; how long they need to stay in the ground; and given how inexpensive they are, why bother? But if you've started the year with a hankering to begin the growing season, starting onions from seed is a task you can do now.Many gardeners will be waiting until spring to start off their onions from sets (small, immature bulbs ready for planting), but growing from seed is a less expensive approach, plus there's a wider range of varieties to choose from. As with any crop started from seed, it is more labour intensive. But if you're anything like me, you'll enjoy the challenge. Continue reading...


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