'I felt death in the flames': how lighting a forest fire inspired one man to transform a barren ranch into rainforest

22. ledna 2025 7:31


Juan Guillermo Garcés had a brush with death while burning jungle for cattle pasture - now he runs a nature reserve in Colombia where more than 100 new species have been discoveredWords and photographs by Anastasia Austin and Douwe den HeldJuan Guillermo Garcés remembers coming face to face with death at age 17. Smoke filled the air, choking his lungs. The temperature rose and Garcés struggled to see through the haze. Panic set in as he watched monkeys, snakes, lizards and birds desperately trying to escape the flames surrounding them.Garcés and his brother started the fire that nearly killed them to clear a large stretch of land. But when the wind suddenly changed direction, they found themselves locked in. The brothers survived, but the fire destroyed the little remaining patch of virgin forest on the family's 2,500-hectare (6,200-acre) ranch, nestled along Colombia's Magdalena River. Experiencing firsthand what the animals and plants endured was a turning point for Garcés. Continue reading...


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