Where the heart is: the artist memorialising homes lost in the LA fires - in pictures

8. února 2025 18:16


On 10 January, as fires raged across Los Angeles, local portrait artist Asher Bingham made an offer via an Instagram reel: " To anyone that has lost a home in the #LAfires I will draw [it] for free." She had already drawn the house of a close friend that had burned down; by offering her services more widely, she hoped to help others grieve for what they'd lost. She wasn't prepared for the response. So many people sent in photos - 1,300 and counting - that she had to recruit volunteers to keep up with demand. For Bingham, it's all about the small details: wind chimes, potted plants. "Anywhere I can see people put love into their home, I draw it," she says. "I'm trying to recreate a memory that only lives in their minds of the beautiful time they lived there."See more on instagram.com/asherbingham.fineart Continue reading...


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