Security, housing ... environment? Why Germany's Greens are not focusing on climate crisis

12. února 2025 16:01


As far-right AfD says Germany is in grip of 'eco-dictatorship', Green party tones down mention of climate actionThe crowd had crammed into a concert hall in central Berlin to hear crunch-time election pitches from Robert Habeck and Annalena Baerbock, the high-profile Green ministers in charge of Germany's economy and diplomacy. But to the surprise of some supporters, it took half an hour for anyone in the environment-rooted party to mention the climate.Germany's Greens are fighting to hold on to power after four years in a coalition government where they have been pilloried by other parties, and during which their core issue of climate action has slipped down the political agenda. Though the party is still far from being considered a Volkspartei - a main party whose voters span demographic groups and issues - the Greens have sought to boost their mainstream appeal with talk of beefing up security and bringing down rents and bills. Continue reading...


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Kam s ním? - snadné a rychlé vyhledání míst ve vašem okolí, kde se můžete legálně zbavit nechtěných věcí a odpadů