'I felt nothing but disgust': Tesla owners vent their anger at Elon Musk

25. února 2025 18:16


The tycoon's links with Donald Trump and Germany's far-right AfD have slammed the brakes on sales and put the car's owners in a spinTesla sales almost halve in Europe over Musk's ties to TrumpWhen Mike Schwede first sat in a Tesla Roadster 15 years ago, he felt like it was a glimpse into the future. By 2016, he was the proud owner of a Tesla, revelling in the thumbs up he would get from other drivers as he whizzed along Europe's highways in the electric vehicle.But of late the sheen of owning a Tesla has begun to wear off. For years the brand has been synonymous with Elon Musk and his stance against the climate crisis. Recently, Schwede watched aghast as the Tesla CEO poured hundreds of millions into backing Donald Trump as he made promises to ramp up domestic oil and gas production. Continue reading...


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