Plants losing appetite for carbon dioxide amid effects of warming climate

26. února 2025 7:16


Earth's plants and soils reached peak carbon dioxide sequestration in 2008 but proportion absorbed has been declining since, study findsOur planet is losing its appetite for mopping up carbon dioxide. Analysis of atmospheric carbon dioxide measurements show that Earth's plants and soils reached peak carbon dioxide sequestration in 2008 and absorption has been declining ever since. Passing this tipping point increases the chances of runaway climate breakdown.Plants and trees have had it good for the last century or so. Rising levels of carbon dioxide helped to spur growth and warmer temperatures gave rise to a longer growing season. But at some point these benefits start to be outweighed by the negatives of a warming climate: wildfires, drought, storms, floods, the spread of new pests and diseases and plant heat stress all reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that plants absorb. Continue reading...


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