Peter Dutton's nuclear plan is off in the never-never, but our power bills and emissions pledge are not | Lenore Taylor

28. února 2025 15:16


The nuclear plan handily leapfrogs the next 10 years - when a Dutton government might actually hold office - a critical time for emissions reduction? Get our breaking news email, free app or daily news podcastI don't often agree with Matt Canavan on matters to do with global heating. But when the senator labelled the Coalition's nuclear plan a "political fix" last year, I think he was speaking the truth.For 15 gruelling years the Coalition has been trying to distract a voting public, ever more aware of the climate crisis, from its inability to get a credible climate and energy policy past the climate sceptics and do-nothing-much-to-reduce-emissions exponents in its own ranks (including the Queensland senator).Sign up for Guardian Australia's breaking news email Continue reading...


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