Every year, volunteers brave the icy Tuel Lane lock in West Yorkshire to clear leaves, litter - and pickled onionsIt is said that an imitation Rolex watch was once found during the spring clean of the UK's deepest canal lock. Today the most glamorous discoveries are a Tesco shopping trolley and an empty can of Sprite - but spirits are still high."I did once come across a full jar of pickled onions," said Maureen Readle, a volunteer. "But that was a bit further up. Here it is mostly leaves." Continue reading...
'There's a magic about it': UK's deepest canal lock gets a spring clean
3. března 2025 16:01
Celý článek: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2025/mar/03/uk-deepest-lock-tuel-lane-west-yorkshire
Zdroj: The Guardian