Jurassic-era trees have grown in Tasmania for millions of years. Now they face their biggest threat: fire

8. března 2025 20:16


Pencil pines grow for more than a thousand years each, and only in Tasmania. As lightning fires become more common, humans must mobilise to protect them - or lose these ancients foreverGet our breaking news email, free app or daily news podcastSteve Leonard finds it hard when he goes bushwalking in Tasmania's high country these days. "I look at a stand of pencil pine and I wonder: 'how long will you be there?'"The ecologist is just back from a rapid survey of the cost to ancient trees of the latest lightning-strike fires across the island's drying landscapes. Among the losses he found near the overland track, an alpine walking trail through central Tasmania, were groves of pencil pine.I loose the horses, the wild, red horses I loose the horses, the mad, red horses And terror is on the land. Continue reading...


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