'It's a place of healing': the man on a mission to restore Britain's ancient rainforest

9. března 2025 11:16


Dealing with PTSD, Merlin Hanbury-Tenison retreated to his family farm in Cornwall. There, working to revive a rare fragment of rainforest, he found a way to heal himselfA straight-backed, well-spoken former management consultant and ex-soldier in a wax jacket might not resemble much of a tree wizard, but the man leading me into a steep Cornish valley of gnarled, mossy oaks is called Merlin. He possesses hidden depths. And surfaces. Within minutes of meeting, as we head towards the Mother Tree - a venerable oak of special significance - Merlin Hanbury-Tenison reveals that he recently had a tattoo of the tree etched on his skin. I'm expecting him to roll up a sleeve to reveal a mini-tree outline, but he whips out his phone and shows me a picture: the 39-year-old's entire back is covered with a spectacular full-colour painting of the oak. "It took 22 hours. I was quite sore," he says, a little ruefully. "But I was in London afterwards, feeling quite overcome by the city and I had this moment: I've got the rainforest with me. Wherever I go, I feel like I'm carrying the forest and its story with me."Merlin is keen to tell the remarkable 5,000-year story of this fragment of Atlantic temperate rainforest - a rare habitat found in wet and mild westerly coastal regions and which is under more threat than tropical rainforests. In fact, he is now the custodian of this special, nature-rich landscape filled with ferns, mosses, lichens and fungi. He is slightly more reticent about his own remarkable life. Both stories are well worth telling. Continue reading...


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