Road hogs: what is Australia's love of big cars costing us all?

15. března 2025 20:16


SUVs are now Australia's most popular new car to buy. But while owners enjoy tax benefits and more powerful engines, society is paying in ways big and smallAustralians are obsessed with SUVs and huge utes, but experts say they are making our roads deadlier'You have unmet needs': the psychology behind Australia's love affair with big carsGet our breaking news email, free app or daily news podcastWhen South Australian premier Peter Malinauskas proposed laws in January forcing developers to build bigger garages in homes to address the growing problem of giant cars that are too big for conventional carports crowding suburban streets, debate over the idea quickly shifted to housing.There were fears that by forcing garages in the state to be built at least half a metre wider and 60cm longer, to accommodate the dual cab ute and SUV-mania that has gripped Australia, it could add tens of thousands of dollars to the cost of home construction.Sign up for Guardian Australia's breaking news email Continue reading...


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