The pop-up megacity: how the Kumbh Mela prepared for 660m Hindu devotees

17. března 2025 9:16


Hundreds of millions of pilgrims flocked to the Ganges for this year's festival, housed in a sprawling temporary metropolis stretching across 4,000 hectares of the floodplains of Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh For 45 days the floodplains of Prayagraj, a city in Uttar Pradesh known as Allahabad until 2018, were a churning sea of humanity. Millions waded into the freezing waters of the sangam - the sacred confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna rivers, plus a mythical one, the Saraswati - believing that a single dip could wash away a lifetime of sin.From dawn until well past midnight, the riverbanks teemed with saffron-clad sadhus, bare-chested pilgrims and families clutching brass urns, garlands and clay lamps, an unceasing tide of pilgrims.Pilgrims performing one of the rituals associated with the 'holy water' of the rivers at this year's Kumbh Mela Continue reading...


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